Welcome to the CTS / AWS delivery booking form.

This form contains all the essential information you need to ensure effective and compliant delivery onto site.
It’s important you take time to review all elements, as non compliance will result in deliveries being refused.
Once your delivery is scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email detailing the location and time of delivery.
Please review each of the sections below, and tick to confirm your understanding, then complete the details in the form.

Important Information
  • For Easter Park deliveries, dimensions must be less than 1.6m (H)) x 1.6m (W) x 2.5m (L).
  • Please ensure your material is shipped on pallets if you have mutliple loose items to deliver.
  • A minimum of 24 hours’ notice (72 hours for abnormal loads) is required to schedule a standard delivery to AWE. Requests must be submitted to CTS Logistics by 1500hrs for the next working day.

All drivers/visitors are subject to security check. The following are NOT permitted on AWE sites:

  • Radio & Telehpone equipment i.e mobile phones.
  • Minors/Pets
  • Explosives/Ammunition
  • Firearms
  • Offensive Weapons
  • Alcohol and controlled substances (excluding prescriptions)
  • Gas Bottles/Fuels
  • Any imitations of the above
  • Unauthorised Radioactive materials, sources or items as listed in the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 (IRR99).
Driver Indentification Requirements

British Nationals - Photographic ID:

  • Valid signed full passport
  • Valid signed UK photo card driving licence
  • HM Forces ID Card
  • Police Warrant Card (Not business card or Police staff ID)

British Nationals - Non-Photographic ID: (Where photographic ID is not available, two documents from this list are to be provided together with a certified photograph*)

  • Citizen Card
  • Birth certificate (issued after time of birth)
  • Valid firearms certificate
  • Utility bill
  • Bank, building society or credit union statement or passbook
  • Mortgage statement from a recognised lender
  • Central or local government, government agency, or local council document giving entitlement, e.g., from Dept. for Work & Pensions, the Employment Service, HMRC
  • P45 or P60 statement
  • HMRC tax notification (current year)
  • Local council tenancy agreement (current year)
  • Council Tax statement (current year)

Other Nationals:

  • Valid signed full passport
Driver Requirements
  • Original Photo ID is required.
  • Booking slot must be adhered to.
  • Site and localised speed limits MUST be adhered to.
  • Access to storage compartments must be made available (No key, delivery will be refused).
  • Mechanical handling equipment must be accompanied with the appropriate certification and permits.
  • Drivers and passengers must have full PPE if visiting a construction site.
  • No vehicle will be allowed on site for a delivery before 8:30 or after 15:30.
  • Fixed equipment (e.g., Sat-navs) must be declared and switched off at all times whilst on site.
  • Vehicles must be loaded in a way that there is a 1m gap between items for the MDP handler and search dogs.
  • Any containers, ISO’s, cabins etc. must be loaded so there are internally accessible for the MDP search dogs.
  • All vehicles must be roadworthy.
  • A maximum load of petrol fuel is permitted: 1x 10ltr or 2x 5 ltr in metal fuel containers.
Access Arrangements

Escorted deliveries can stay on AWE sites for a maximum of 2 hours. If longer, the delivery and driver will need to be booked in separately.

Deliveries to AWE must not use industrial parks as holding areas or for cross-decking of materials. Freight routes to AWE via the M4 Reading Services, A4 Bath Road, and the A340 Aldermaston Road offer numerous lay-bys/parking areas.

Submitted By:

Name of the person making the booking.
Email of the person making the booking.

Delivery Details:

Please enter the date when the delivery is scheduled to arrive.
Please note Bookings will only be accepted between 8:30 and 15:30.
Enter the name of the contractor or company receiving the delivery onsite.
Provide the name of the carrier company delivering the items.
If available, provide the consignment number for tracking purposes.
Specify the building number where the delivery is to be made.

Item Details:

Select the type of item being delivered (Envelope, Package, or Pallet).
Enter the total number of items being delivered.
Provide the total weight of the item in kilograms.
Describe the material being delivered.

Vehicle and Driver Information:

Enter the registration number of the delivery vehicle.
Provide the name of the driver delivering the item.

Site Contact Information:

Enter the name of the contact person on site.
Enter the phone number of the cotnact person on site.

Additional Requirements:

Indicate whether a forklift is needed to unload the delivery.
Provide an estimate of the time required to offload or collect the items.

Dimensions of Material:

Abnormal Load:

A minimum of 72 hours’ notice is required to book an abnormal load (excluding weekends/bank holidays). If your vehicle dimensions exceed the specified limits: Length - 18.65m, Width - 2.9m, Height - 4.5m, Axle Weight - 10,000kg or the vehicle has an overhang of 150mm in total i.e. 75mm each side or an overhang at the rear. Please complete the following:

Special Instructions:

Is any part of the consignment hazardous? Please quote the UN number and class.
If you have lorries on turnaround, please state the number of vehicles and the turnaround time.